Features of the QA Model / Part 1

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For a better understanding of simulation runs, the features of the QA - Model will be presented in the following sentences.

Project Planning

  • The concept is based on the waterfall model, so the strict phases of the waterfall model should be respected.
  • You have to plan your personal ressources the same way as you would plan them in a real project. All employees are equipped with an adequate knowledge.

Simulation Time

  • The least displayed date shows the current day. All entered actions occure on this day.
  • All dates have the same format: 'year/month/day/hour:minute'. Weekends will be skipped automatically by the model.
  • The model does consider weekends, but it does not consider holidays, vacation- or sick days.
  • The model does automatically change from summertime to wintertime and vice versa. The current season is shown in the date.


  • After starting a new simulation run, a "proceed" has to be executed. The task occurs afterwards. Earlier entered commands won't be executed resp. the model could provide incorrect results.


  • If a new activity is refered to a developer, which is not already adjusted, this activity will not be executed and an error - message appears. If the developer is adjusted afterwards, the activity has to be refered to him again.
  • If the developer is released, he/she is not available for a random period of time between 21 and 60 days. The order "hire" will be useless until the developer is available again.
  • A developer is only able to do one task at the same time. This means, he cant design and coding parallely. Reviews are the only exceptions.