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Within the scope of the AMEISE project, an extension to the SESAM - Simulator was developed. The Faculty of Technical Sciences Klagenfurt, the Johannes Kepler University Linz and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences are involved in the project. The simulator is the heart of the AMEISE - System.


To verify the learning objectives and to present trainees a list of good and bad project decisions and their consequences, the course of simulation runs has to be analyzed. In SESAM, these analyses are carried out after a simulation run by the instructor and usually cost a lot of time. However, in AMEISE, trainers and trainees can perform this analysis by using several analyzing facilities.

This raises the applicability of the system, as with AMEISE, the SESAM - Simulator can also be used in large course settings or for self-studies.

Objectives of AMEISE

With several extensions to SESAM, AMEISE allows for the following opportunities:

  • Self - Studies
    • It is possible to perform a simulation run without supervision. Here, supervision does not only just mean the support during a simulation run, but also the evaluations of a simulation run. Of course, this cannot fully replace the different interpretations of an experienced instructor, but with AMEISE a lot of different types of feedback are possible.
  • Increase in Motivation of Trainees
    • To increase the motivation of trainees, a comparison component was implemented, allowing for a detailed comparison of different simulation runs.
  • Reduction of Supervision Costs
    • Several components reduce the effort needed by the instructors during and after a course. Basically, students are be able to analyze their simulation runs by themselves, and instructors can generate the materials needed in a course automatically.
  • Performing partial Simulation Runs
    • In some teaching situations, only parts of a simulation run might be of interest. This is also possible with AMEISE.

Additional Components

To meet these opportunities, the existing prototype of the Universität Stuttgart was extended, among other things, by the following components:

  • Implementation of an Explanation Component, supporting the trainee during a simulation run.
  • Implementation of a Comparison Component, for comparing simulation runs to others.
  • Implementation of an Evaluation Component, for analyzing the simulation during and after a simulation run.

System Requirements

To do AMEISE simulation runs, the following requirements have to be fulfilled:

  • Operating System: Windows (95 or later versions), MacOS, Linux or Solaris
  • Java JDK 1.5
  • Free Space on HDD: 5 MB
  • Network Connection

Additionally, the AMEISE - Client has to be installed locally: >> Download the AMEISE - Client

Please note: To do simulation runs, the computer has to be connected to the AMEISE - Server.