About The Project
AMEISE Client User - Interface
Short Description
AMEISE provides students of informatics, business - and economical informatics as well as subject-related university or college studies the opportunity to gather project management experience on a simulator.
2015-05-18 AMEISE Tutorial at CSEE&T 2015 in Florence
Based on the new release, V5.0, there is an AMEISE Tutorial at the 28th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training.
- Here you can find a list of all persons and institutions who worked or still work on the AMEISE project.
- This link leads to the developers portal of AMEISE (please note that a login is required!)
- Here you can find the AMEISE questionnaire to give us valuable information for improving the system.
Getting AMEISE
- By following this links you are able to download the latest AMEISE client and AMEISE server and check for recent changes.
- This page contains a list of all locations where AMEISE was and is used.