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The successful implementation of software projects is a difficult task. Both technical and also organizational problems must be solved. Less experience of young project leaders leads to an unsolved first project in most cases. Therefore it is useful to give trainees the opportunity to take the role of a project leader during their education. This opportunity should take the fear of failure from students and they do not have to worry about the associated consequences.

Aim of the Project

Students of economics and informatics learn project management in general as a theoretical guide for practice. Universities and Colleges claim to train students for project management, but this could be achieved only very limited and selective in context of a lecture.

AMEISE applies an innovative project "New Media in teaching on universities and colleges" in this context. AMEISE stands for "A Media - Education Initiative for Software Engineering".


The AMEISE system provides students of computer science and business operations as well as subject-related university or college studies, the ability to collect project management experience on a simulator. Comparable to the training of pilots on a flight simulator, critical situations can be defined and trained with AMEISE perfectly without compromising equal to a real project is in danger. Thus, future projects can be performed by the project leader in a few hours that would normally take several months. They will be faced with the typical problems in projects and this situation should be solved by them.The Core of the AMEISE system is developed at the University of Stuttgart and it is called SESAM simulator.


A model must be loaded in the simulator in order to simulate a project. The model decides,which project it is.Thus any type of project can be simulated ( assuming appropriate models).


In addition to the theoretical knowledge also the practical skills should be learned by using the simulator. Therefore students assume the role of a project leader as they would do in a real project. This allows students to practice the independent planning and execution of projects and acquire important project management features.